How to Grow Geraniums | Dalen - Dalen Products

How to Grow Geraniums

How to Plant, Grow, and Care for Geraniums (Pelargoniums)

Geraniums are one of the most popular flower options for gardeners, known for their beautiful, vibrant colors and delicate petals. If you want to add these beloved blooms to your garden, you’ve come to the right place! We’re here to teach you everything you need to know about planting, growing, and caring for geraniums.

What Are Geraniums?

Geraniums, scientifically known as Pelargoniums, are renowned as a beautiful, aromatic flower. They come in several different colors and enhance any garden throughout summer and into fall. Here’s a general overview of a geranium’s plant profile

  • Botanical name: Pelargonium, from the Geraniaceae family
  • Common name: Geranium 
  • Plant type: Perennial, conservatory 
  • Flower colors: Pink, red, purple, bronze, and white 
  • Plant in: April or May 
  • Flowers: May through October 
  • Prune: October 
  • Sun exposure: Full sun 
  • Hardiness: Half hardy/tender 
  • Soil type: Acidic, chalky, alkaline, well-drained, light, sandy

Are Geraniums Perennials?

Yes, geraniums are perennials! This means they can regrow year after year for several years as long as they are in the right planting conditions. However, it’s important to note that geraniums perform best as perennials in warmer climates. They can also be grown as annuals in cooler climates if you still want to add them to your garden.

How to Grow Geraniums at Home

When you’re ready to grow geraniums at home, you must pay attention to their specific needs. These flowers grow best in well-drained, slightly acidic to alkaline soil and need full sun to thrive. You can start your geraniums from seeds or a cutting from another geranium flower and plant them in gardening pots or directly in your garden bed.

How to Plant Geraniums

When & Where to Plant Geraniums

Geranium bulbs should be planted in the spring, usually in April or May, once the risk of overnight frost has passed. Find a space in your yard or garden that gets full sunlight and drains well. Your geraniums hate soggy soil and can start to wither without enough light to help them grow.

How to Take Care of Geraniums

Once your geraniums are planted, you’ll want to consider five factors to help your beautiful flowers thrive.

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As we’ve already said, your geraniums need full sunlight to grow, meaning they should have at least 6 hours of direct sun daily. If you live in an area with extremely hot temperatures, your plant will benefit from some afternoon shade to prevent the leaves and petals from getting burned.

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Make sure your geraniums are planted in an area where the water drains easily, and the soil is slightly acidic. Your flowers need to be in a space where the soil is not overly compacted or waterlogged.

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You should water your geranium plants regularly to keep the soil evenly wet but not drowning. As a rule of thumb, the top inch of your soil should dry out slightly between watering sessions to avoid the risk of root rot due to soggy conditions.

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Temperature and Humidity

Geraniums grow best in areas with moderate temperatures and mild humidity. You should also ensure you plant your flowers somewhere with good air circulation to reduce the chance of your geraniums getting fungal issues.

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Fertilize your geraniums once a month with a well-balanced fertilizer. You can use a water-soluble fertilizer, diluted to half strength, or a slow-release one to promote healthy growth.

How to Propagate Geraniums

If you want to grow new geraniums from your existing plant, you can easily take a cutting from it and place it in the ground as a new plant. Simply cut a 4- to 6-inch stem off your healthy plant, remove the lower leaves, and put the cutting in moist soil. Water this soil regularly, keeping it consistently moist until roots develop off the new stem. Once this happens, you can repot it or plant it in your garden.

Repotting Geraniums


When repotting your geranium plant, follow the same process as when you were planting them. Make sure the planter has adequate drainage and that you use balanced, well-draining soil. Your flowers will outgrow their pot every 2-3 years, so you’ll want to choose a pot slightly bigger than your current one when ready to repot. Finally, before putting your geraniums in their new pot, gently separate the roots to encourage healthy growth.

How to Deadhead Geraniums

Plants need to be pruned or deadheaded regularly to remove old growth and dead sprouts, allowing nutrients to reach healthy parts of the plant. Simply pinch or cut off dead pieces at their base to help your geranium plants thrive and improve the overall look of your flowers.

Common Problems With Geraniums

Geraniums are typically very resilient but can be susceptible to fungal diseases, pests like aphids or spider mites, and overwatering. You can help prevent these issues when you care for your geraniums properly and pay attention to their growing conditions.

Types of Geraniums

There are several types of geraniums you can add to your garden, depending on what you want it to look like.

Grow Your Garden With Dalen

Whether you’re digging into flower planting for the first time or are a geraniums gardening pro, Dalen Products is here to help you succeed. We offer several gardening products, including durable plant supports and eco-friendly pest control solutions, to help you grow your garden with confidence.

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